Thursday, June 18, 2009

Get UP and see it!

Why do I love movies that make me cry? Or that make me angry, upset, or really contemplative? Don't get me wrong--I like an action-packed, massive entertainment flick as well as the next person, but there's just something about movies that can make me cry. It's usually because the characters are so beautifully developed that they seem real; or it's because what's happening to them strikes a very personal chord with me. Either way, it's a sign of a job well-done on the film maker's part. Oh, by the way--Up made me cry.

The story follows the life of the elderly Mr. Frederickson and the rambunctious young boy scout, Russell, who is trying to earn his last badge by assisting the elderly. In an effort to have the adventure he's dreamed of since youth, Mr. Frederickson ties thousands of helium-filled balloons to his house and flies it to South America, and unwittingly brings Russell along for the ride.

I originally thought the movie was going to be another fun-filled afternoon at the box office, something akin to The Incredibles or Finding Nemo. And while Up didn't fail to deliver in the laughter department, it also had a somewhat finer element to it. It was touching, really, and I can't think of anything to call it but unexpectedly beautiful. I'm not sure that young children, the film's intended audience, will be able to grasp the more serious thoughts, but it'll still be enjoyable for them. This may be one of those times I'll use that "incandescent" word.

Well done. A zephyr.

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