Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Star Trek Lights Up the Box Office

It's so nice to not be disappointed. I waited eagerly for the release of this one, and then I didn't see it for, oh, a month or so. What can I say? Sometimes I'm busier than I think I am. The point is that I finally did have the pleasure of viewing this flick, and I enjoyed it immensely! I'm not a Star Trek fan. I've never seen any of the old TV shows, and have only seen one movie at the request of my cousin Jeremy when we were 11, and the "save the whales" track of it was a bit too much propaganda for me. Don't get me wrong--I think we should save the whales. I just hate it when movies people view for sheer entertainment value (come on, we're not talking Life is Beautiful or Schindler's List people) have a blatant, "underlying" theme. For example, I loved the movie Ferngully as a child, but when I watched it recently (hey, my sister and I were going through a nostalgic phase--sue me), I was pretty annoyed with the whole brainwashing side of it. The movie's not even about fairies! It makes me feel like the movie producers are trying to manipulate me, which is truly irking, especially when I already agree with the idea they're trying to get across. Then I don't have the luxury of rolling my eyes and proclaiming them an idiot.

Sorry, major ta
ngent. What I meant to say was:

I didn't care for the
Star Trek movies of the past, which just shows how masterfully done the trailer was for this one because I was excited to see it. Even with zero knowledge of Trek history, the movie was easy to follow and thoroughly entertaining. Fast-paced and with a twist of comedy in all the right spots, the film made me forget that whole plan to go get my free refill of popcorn. In addition, Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto light up the screen with wild, youthful charisma, and leave me hoping that another installment will find its way to theaters. Major orchid.

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