Thursday, May 7, 2009

Adios Allison

I'm disappointed in America today. No, I'm not talking about anything political--though there's definitely room for disappointment in that regard, as well. I'm talking about American Idol, of course, and the public's idiocy at choosing Danny Gokey over teen-vocalist Allison Iraheta (A T.R. zephyr if I ever saw one), especially after Danny's ear-splitting vocal performance Tuesday night.

I'm pulling for Adam Lambert (an orchid, to be sure) to win, of course, though I would not be entirely put out if Kris made it to the final round and clinched a win. Kris's range isn't as broad as Adam's, but he's excellent in his element, a vibrant azalea on the AI stage, and would put out an impressive record.

If Danny wins I will know I belong to a nation of imbecilic morons, and then will promptly pack my bags and high-tail it to Australia ASAP, or perhaps to the Emerald Isle. Either locale would work for me, I'm sure, as long as they execute a nationwide ban on all things Gokey.

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