Monday, May 4, 2009


I am fairly confident that no one will ever find this blog amidst the twitter-pated, inundated chaos of online information. This will make me bold, because absence of audience encourages my most outrageous thoughts to the forefront, and also honesty. The purpose of this blog is to entertain me while at work (my hours are long and relentless), and also to entertain you, mysterious (imaginary?) reader.

The Terra Review
will offer thoughts and reviews on countless subjects, including books, movies, TV, music, restaurants--pretty much anything that catches my fancy. I promise you I have taste; it may be similar to yours, or perhaps quite different, but taste it definitely is. I am honest, sarcastic, ruthless, and not above using ridiculous words like "incandescent" when something is truly deserving.

Of all the growing trends in the world, the Green movement has most particularly resonated with me, and so from the wonderful planet Earth, my terra patria, I have borrowed the appellations of my different ratings. They are as follows:

Dandelion: Cute and bright when first bloomed, but a dime a dozen; a fast-growing trend, that soon reveals itself an annoying, meaningless ball of fuzzy gray fluff. Anything that earns a "dandelion" label has no real depth beyond its initial aesthetic appeal.

Daisy: Good. Pretty. Simple. Nothing incredibly special or rare, but it brings a smile to your face every time you look at it.

Orchid: Wild and exotic, the orchid survives amidst the most challenging environments without relinquishing its gentle beauty. An orchid requires minimal care and attention, and should not be over-watered--just take it as it is, a rare beauty.

Poison Ivy: Horrible, itchy, rash-causing plant that fooled you into thinking it was just another plant. It causes misery and physical discomfort, and you wished you'd run screaming from the hills rather than spend even a second in its company.

Live Oak: Elegant and majestic, an oak tree should outlast us all. A work/place that can stand the test of time. Though not as flashy and exotic as the rare orchid flower, the elegance of the oak has deep roots and nearly indomitable strength.

Hurricane: A complete, total disaster.

Morning Glory: Started off strong, but just didn't have what it takes to make it through to the end.

Azalea: Beautiful and vibrant in its own right, and in its own region, an "azalea" will do well within its own area. An azalea should not try branching out into other genres, venues, etc., because it will wither away to nothing.

Honeysuckle: They tempt you with sweetness, lure you in with tantalizing scents, and leave you disappointed. The single drop of "honey" does next to nothing to satisfy the craving its smell inspired, and all the anticipation was for naught.

I am certain that more "labels" will be added as the blog continues, but for now these will suffice. Looking back over what I've just written I realize there are actually quite a few, and hope it does not become confusing. Well, since currently I am the only reader of this review, I'm not inclined to worry.

The first review is coming soon. I hope the anticipation is not too much to bear, gentle (imaginary) reader.

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